Wednesday, July 16, 2008

lolest request!

i just had to share this one.RC,my friend had got his maths marks , like most of us had decided to apply for rechecking and most of us had no increase in marks .When i saw his request for recheck i burst out laughing .I just loved it.He had described to the prof the question where he expected a increase .The funny thing is at the bottom of the page he had written
"Respected sir ,please consider this request for recheck with kindness because i need 3 more marks to get the next grade"
What i have written above is not verbatim,but it more or less conveys the feeling.
I wish i had done that too ,missed a A grade by 4 marks :(


Rahul said...

i said that 'sir(e) please increase my marks because I got two marks deducted for not making the index in t1 and I would feel really stupid if I miss out a grade by this rather innocent mistake' :P

Utkarsh Sinha said...

and that math prof... he told rc... "oh ur 2 marks above av? you wont miss a grade" :|
